Slate SimmondsSD Pro Painting

Slate Simmonds
SD Pro Painting

Print Design
Web Design

SD Pro Painting


SD Pro Painting, a renowned residential and commercial painting company serving the greater San Diego area, recognized the necessity for branding that mirrored the sharpness and transparency of their services. Drawing inspiration from the convergence of diverse project types, their logo system beautifully encapsulates their versatility and expertise. A carefully curated color palette, reminiscent of the different types of masking tape used for specific purposes, adds depth and vibrancy to their brand identity. Whether it's signage adorning buildings or door hangers distributed across the county, SD Pro Painting's branding stands out boldly, setting them apart from conventional painting companies and leaving a lasting impression on all who encounter it.

Inquiries & links

InquiriesCurrently seeking new consulting ventures – Currently seeking new consulting ventures –


Art Direction

Case Studies

As a proud member of the LGBTQIA+ community, my beliefs in equality and inclusivity regardless of gender, gender identity, social norms, and sexual orientation will not budge. If you find yourself or someone you know needing support navigating your journey in the LGBTQIA+ community, please visit The Trevor Project. If you can provide monetary support to help improve the lives of LGBTQIA+ individuals in our communities, please consider donating to The Trevor Project or one of the many other non-profits fighting the good fight. Inclusion, diversity, and equity are essential to a well-functioning, healthy, productive, and happy society. If we operate with this mindset, together we can continue growing as a whole.

I reject all forms of violence, discrimination, and intolerance, including racism, xenophobia, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, ageism, religious bias, disability discrimination, veteran status bias, socioeconomic prejudice, and any other hindrance to individuals embracing their true selves. We must each do our part in breaking down the walls of racism and injustice and proudly support civil rights and liberties for all. I will not consider collaborations with individuals or organizations that do not uphold the most basic belief of unalienable rights for every person.

Live kindly and with love for your fellow humans.

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